Thursday, July 4, 2024

 Thoughts which I want to pass on to my kids:


My Dears,

 When you will be grown up, the nature of work will be completely changed, Our generation and previous couple of generations made living and fortunes primarily knowing "How" part of any task. However, with advent of new technologies (read #AI) which will keep improving in future; the knowledge of "How to do something" is going to be commoditized and no longer will be a competitive advantage. 

What is going to matter is "What" and "Why" of any work. So whenever you take any task in hand, try to understand the "Why" of that task first rather than thinking about "How" to do the task. For "How", Large Language Models are already here; but I believe they still can't match the creativity of human mind. "Why" of any important task is going to be domain of humans only for a foreseeable future.

Develop a habit of dig deeper and don't become a shallow thinker. Once you start gathering different perspectives, you will realize that you have something which is still can't be matched by LLMs. Creativity, inductive thinking and empathy are going to be human domains for long. Keep working on those aspects while leveraging the advancements of technology.


Papa !  


Monday, July 1, 2024

Thoughts which I want to pass on to my kids:


My Dears,

 Many a times in your life, you will face questions from outside about your process to achieve what you want. Many time you will face dilemma if you are doing right thing. What if you fail ? What if you fall short of your own expectations ? What if you fall short of others' expectations ? 

Always remember, to achieve something one needs to follow a process and believe in that process. Results are never going to be in your hands, but sticking to the process is always in your hand. On the contrary, the punditry or the analysis by outsiders is always going to start from the results first. They will have the benefit of hindsight and advantage of not being in a position to make decision which impacts the results.

Before you start, listen to people who have really gone through that process and have failed. They will always have better insights to offer than those who succeeded. Also listen to those who succeeded, they will give inspiration to you and show what is possible. Understand your strengths and weaknesses and create a process which uses your strength and allows you to work on your weaknesses side by side. Give yourself time and stick to the process even you face temporary failures.

Don't ever judge yourself by the outcomes or analysis of those outcomes by others. Be observant not judgmental ! Life has a lot in store for everyone. If you are observant, you will find many hidden treasures. If you are judgmental, you will lose many ! Believe in yourself, believe in the process, believe in knowledge, believe in hard work. Don't believe in short cuts, don't believe in punditry of others who start from results !

Yours' Truly,

Papa !